In the world of mathematics, some problems stand out for their great complexity and relevance. These challenges are known as the Millennium Problems, proposed by the Clay Mathematics Institute in the year 2000, with a reward of one million dollars for those capable of solving each of them. These problems represent some of the deepest enigmas in mathematics.
Below we will briefly explore some of these challenges, and if you are the genius capable of solving them, remember that you could earn up to a million dollars.
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture: This conjecture focuses on elliptic curves, geometric objects defined by algebraic equations. The fundamental question is whether there is any relationship between the number of integer points on an elliptic curve and its structural complexity. In simpler terms, can we predict how many points with integer coordinates an elliptic curve has based on its mathematical properties? Solving this would have significant implications in number theory and cryptographic security.

Hodge Conjecture: Proposed by William Hodge, this conjecture lies in the realm of algebraic topology. It questions the relationship between the topological and algebraic properties of certain geometric shapes called algebraic varieties. The conjecture seeks to understand how the geometry of these varieties is related to their algebraic structure. In simpler terms, imagine you are looking at a complex object, like a mountain. This mountain has a specific shape, which is its geometric aspect. Now, you can also describe this mountain using mathematical equations, which is its algebraic aspect.

The Hodge Conjecture asks whether we can understand the shape of the mountain (its geometry) simply by looking at the mathematical equations that describe it (its algebra). In other words, is there a direct connection between the physical shape of the mountain and the mathematical equations we could use to describe it?
These problems have proven to be very elusive, challenging the brightest minds of the 21st century. Are you ready to solve any of them?