Sora Summit 2023: Blockchain and Bitcoin innovation in Taipei

Sora Summit 2023.

Sora Summit 2023, a central part of Taipei Blockchain Week, will be held on December 16 at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei. Organized by Sora Ventures, this summit has gained prestige since its inception in 2018, attracting key figures from the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

This year, the focus is on the utility and value of Bitcoin, covering topics such as the Bitcoin ecosystem, decentralized science, cryptography, and Ordinals. These pillars reflect the current trends and developments in the industry.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from experts like Casey Rodarmor, Danny Yang, David Bailey, and Domo, who will share their insights and experiences in the sector. Additionally, the event highlights Taipei’s unique position as a hub of blockchain innovation, bridging Eastern and Western influences.

Sora Summit 2023 promises to be, as it has been in its previous events, an enriching moment for blockchain believers.