Understanding Step by Step Proposal: Enable Energy Adjustment in TVM


We understand that maintaining an efficient and secure network is essential for user growth and trust. Recently, a proposal has been made to adjust the energy costs of certain opcodes in the TRON Virtual Machine (TVM), specifically for the SUICIDE and VOTEWITNESS opcodes. This proposal aims to better reflect the actual resource consumption during the execution of these opcodes and ensure that the costs are fair and reasonable. Here, we explain step by step what this means:

What Are the SUICIDE and VOTEWITNESS Opcodes?

  • SUICIDE: This opcode is used to destroy smart contracts and release the associated resources.
  • VOTEWITNESS: A TRON-specific opcode that allows a contract account to perform voting operations on certain Super Representatives (SRs), similar to a regular user account.

Advantages of the Proposal

Greater Efficiency

  • Resource Optimization: Adjusting energy costs according to actual resource usage will incentivize developers to write more efficient smart contracts. This will result in more rational use of the network’s resources.

Better Security

  • Risk Reduction: Aligning energy costs with actual consumption reduces the possibility of abuse and attacks on the network. This is crucial for maintaining the stability and security of the TRON blockchain.

Fairer Costs

  • Equitable Charges: Currently, some opcodes may be undervalued, meaning that very little is paid for operations that consume many resources. Adjusting these costs ensures that a fair and reasonable price is paid for the actual use of the network.

Improved Overall Performance

  • Faster Network: With adjusted energy costs, smart contracts will be more efficient, allowing the network to handle more operations quickly and efficiently.

Community Participation

  • Transparency and Collaboration: Involving the TRON community in these changes ensures that the decisions are supported and understood by everyone, promoting an environment of transparency and trust.

Disadvantages of the Proposal

Impact on Existing Contracts

  • Backward Compatibility: Contracts that depend on current energy costs may be affected by these changes, potentially causing disruptions or the need for adjustments in those contracts.

Increased Costs for Developers

  • Higher Development Costs: With the increase in energy costs, developers may face higher expenses in creating and maintaining smart contracts, which could disincentivize some.

Adaptation and Updating

  • Learning Curve: Developers and the community will need time to adapt to the new costs and adjust their development practices accordingly.


The proposal to adjust the energy costs of the SUICIDE and VOTEWITNESS opcodes in the TRON network seeks to create a balance between efficiency, security, and fairness in the use of resources. Although there are some challenges, the potential advantages in terms of resource optimization, security, and community participation are significant. In the end, these changes could strengthen the TRON network, making it more robust and efficient for the future.